Hello and Welcome to-
Auto Electric Service LLC
137 HWY 2084 N
Henderson, KY 42420
Electrical Accessories-
*Power Windows
*Power Door Locks/Switches
*Engine Instruments, Sensors
*Battery/Starter/Alternator Testing – With the proper equipment, these systems are usually easily diagnosed.
*Parasitic battery draw
Modern vehicle issues, often times involve multiple components. Interpreting factory circuit design/wiring is critical. Problems can range from switches, relays, connections, modules, etc. AES is equipped to chase down these systems, eliminating guess work.
Engine Runnability-
Check Engine Light, elusive codes? Unexplained misfires, lack of power, stalling? Whether it involves a sensor, actuator, wiring, or something more serious, we may be able to help. Additionally, AES conducts non-invasive combustion chamber pressure analysis and relative compression analysis, aiming to specifically identify or rule out issues related to valves, rings, timing, and intake/exhaust streams.

We are ASE A6, A8 certified. These certifications refer to Electrical/Electronic Systems, and Engine Performance (engine control systems). While we may be able to identify mechanical issues with engines, we are not an engine or transmission shop.
Care, as it relates to the customer and care for the vehicles we are trusted with. Rest assured, your car will be treated with the protection you expect and deserve.
Monday-Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM. Saturday 8:00AM to 11:00AM. Closed on Sunday.
We accept Cash, Check, All major credit cards.

Contact us-
Auto Electric Service LLC
137 HWY 2084 N
Henderson, KY 42420
Call/Text: 270 860 1388
Email: trent@ts-autoelectric.com
Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Swa6JGkf5MLrKCgb8